
Mobilane’s LivePicture is truly green art for on the wall. The picture made up of real plants is easy to attach to the wall and does not need much maintenance. LivePicture does not use electric power or a mechanical pump. Instead, the living picture has a smart, integrated watering system.

Make a healthy green environment from your living and working space with LivePicture!

Benefits of LivePicture

  • Improves living and working climate
  • Enhances the ambiance
  • Water reservoir lasts about 6 weeks
  • Easy to install
  • Gives a peaceful feeling
  • Seasonal adjustment possible


Model Size L (mm) Size H (mm) Size D (mm) Weight
Large 1125 725 105 12kg empty & 40kg loaded
Small 725 725 105 Small - 10kg empty & 30kg loaded
1 Plant Cassette 725 725 145 n/a
2 Plant Cassettes 1125 725 145 n/a
3 Plant Cassettes 1700 725 145 n/a
4 Plant Cassettes 2006 725 145 n/a